Thursday, April 28, 2016

Where's my million?

A few years ago, Lay's was running a contest in which people submitted ideas for new flavors for potato chips. I think waffles and chicken won. What?!? Never tried 'em.
I thought and thought and submitted smoked gouda. mmm... I never got a call from Lay's nor did I see it on the shelf. Oh well.
Today I was making my Thursday run to Harris Teeter, and what did I see on the snack aisle? Bags of Cape Cod chips with smoked gouda flavor. I was stunned. And proud. I was a winner!

Sunday, April 24, 2016

no luck

CB State Park was so pretty today. I am glad I know about it. When I arrived at the marina where the buntings reportedly were, the helpful employee pointed me to the clump of trees where I could find them, under the flag pole and near the feeder. But I did not hear birdsongs or see anything flying. Maybe I will try again tomorrow. I love excuses to be out in nature.
In their place, I will post a pic of some coral honeysuckle.

up and at 'em

How wonderfully odd. I woke up early and got up! How I wish I could do that every day. There is no telling what I could accomplish. Unless I have an early commitment, each morning when the bright sun begins to permeate my house, I cover my eyes and fall back to sleep until that time when my brain fully wakes me up an hour - or two or three - later.

So I did some reading, had my coffee, fed the cats, wrote the minutes for the last Book Club (my secretarial duty), and shamed myself into showing up at this blog. Where have I been! Maybe if I write a few words, it will warm me up for the two things I have agreed to write.

At least I will make it to Sunday School this morning. Then to the choir that I am so glad to be a part of. Then maybe I will drive down to Carolina Beach State Park. I heard there are some painted buntings nesting there, and I would love to get a picture.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

at the lake today

It is a dreary overcast day here. Stopped by the studio for a bit and then went across the street to Greenfield Lake. I wondered what flora and fauna I would find. I saw no new birds, only the usual gulls and ducks. The azaleas were putting out the last of their flowers, and I found the wisteria gracefully hanging from branches. I walked quietly around a man sleeping on a bench to get a shot.

Friday, April 8, 2016

I love it when a plan comes together.

The art show that is affiliated with the Azalea Festival is the biggest thing our art organization does.
Planning is detailed and seems to take forever. I am involved in several aspects of it, all voluntarily of course.
Last night was the opening reception, and there were at least twelve of us working diligently in the old USO yesterday to make it a roaring success. I love to watch how things come together, with each person doing what she does best but also kindly helping in any situation. One seems to love to do table settings and makes sure everything is draped perfectly. A couple of women brought in long stems and flowering branches and made huge beautiful arrangements. Someone who had worked in food service made hundreds of pretty skewered hors d'oeuvres along with her helpers. Elaine brought hundreds of delicious homemade dessert items. I made five hundred pinwheels! Kay made a fabulous fruit tray. Barbara made the punch. Members brought bottles of wine to be served from the two wine stations. The many attendees (400?) loved it. And did they eat! We didn't have a crumb left, and that was just fine.
This morning we were all patting each other on the backs for a job beautifully done.