Friday, December 29, 2017

Movie Day

There is only one movie out right now that I really wanted to see, The Greatest Showman. It is playing at the nice new theater only two miles from my house, so I easily popped in to see it. And cheaply, too. For the 11:00 show, it was only six dollars! It is a musical, in case you didn't know, and I really enjoyed it. If you read a bad review, don't believe it. I snapped a pic of the partially frozen fountain in front when I came out. So to show you how cold it is . . .

Thursday, December 28, 2017

A Chilly Day

I don't usually mind cold days when I stay in - like today - especially when I think back to those working years when I had no choice but to get out and show up.
I often left for my nursing job early in the morning. I would have to scrape ice off the car's windshield and peek through a small fuzzy clearing in the glass to see where I was going. Then my breath would fog the inside of the window. I hoped nothing would prevent me from clocking in on time when I finally reached the inside of the hospital. And then, there were those times when I left in the dark of night and hoped I would be awake and alert for whatever bad surprises I would encounter until 0730 rolled around. Being responsible and doing difficult work taught me so much and made me a better person.
But now, I can be thankful for these non-working days - and thankful for social security that lets me have a choice.
I am also getting some things done (mostly art duties) that I have felt a little overwhelmed by. I volunteer to do things when I have no idea how to do them. Then I have to learn! I like to learn how to do stuff, but sometimes I wish I weren't that way. One thing I have learned is if you press on and do one little thing at a time, it all gets done.

Monday, December 25, 2017


"And she brought forth her first born Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn."
Luke 2:7

In the story of the birth of the Christ Child, the newer Bible translations have substituted the plainer words "wrapped in" for the more descriptive King James "swaddled." I love that word! When I was little, I was curious as to what those swaddling cloths were. Later, when I became a mother, I learned all about that old way of snugly wrapping my baby in a blanket for security, warmth, and even for calming. (I wonder what cloths Mary and Joseph used to wrap Baby Jesus in. I wonder what they brought with them on their journey to Bethlehem.)

The Three-in-One God swaddles His children today. He swaddles us in grace, comfort and peace. We are warmly swaddled in His blanket of love.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Cold and gorgeous at the beach today

A friend Ashley left behind in Oklahoma came to visit her this week. She loves it here! Today I got to spend some time with them, and after lunch at Moe's and a few shopping stops, I took them to the South End of WB. It was breezy and chilly but awesome as always. Some iPhone shots.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Beautiful Christmas Tree

It filled the entrance hall where our WAA party was held. Everyone was taking pix of it!

Monday, December 18, 2017

Another one.

This was actually painted with a brush for once. Another 12x12. I have four white floating frames to use for that size, so I wanted something light.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Crazy me

After all these years, I still feel the need to make fudge and other disgustingly rich sweets at Christmastime. Lord knows I do not need to eat them, or even lick the beaters, but still I forge on as in days of old when my children were little. Sometimes I just have no sense. After the fudge, I made a pan of those seven-layer bar cookies that must have more fat and calories per cc than anything on the planet. And I just pulled three small rum cakes out of the oven. They were new for me this year and sure do smell good, but why! I need to listen to less Christmas music! The man and I will eat more than we should, and I will find some folks to take some off my hands, and then thankfully the sweets will be gone. Maybe it is my creative expression of the day or else I am a slave to those unhealthy Christmas traditions.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Sometimes things work out

Like today. The Board decided that our December meeting should be something special, but where would we have it? After our November meeting I was at one of the many shopping areas on College Rd and walked by an Asian restaurant whose unimpressive blue neon sign I had passed many times. I was curious as to what the place was like and decided to go in and check it out. The hostess was nice, and showed me the menu, and then I asked if there was a private dining area where a group could meet first and then order lunch. They did, and today we went. It was perfect for our group of thirteen. We all loved what we ordered and stayed too long. It's nice when a plan comes together.

Friday, December 8, 2017

A time to sing

This is the weekend my church puts on its big Christmas program, and for the third year, I am among the altos. Our amazing organist is also a chorus teacher at a high school, and many of her students are joining us. What a treat that is for me! Last night was dress rehearsal, and I am sitting on the front row of the choir, behind the French horns, and between two of the students who were loving the whole experience, especially the thirty-piece orchestra. They were positively glowing with enthusiasm. I share their awe. They also sang very well, and I wondered if when I was that age I did too. Tonight is the first of four performances. People in town look forward to coming and arrive early. The old church fills up quickly and seating is free. They won't be disappointed, as our music is really good. When it is over, I will be invigorated first and then exhausted.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

A Landscape

A landscape! Just finished. And I did it with my fingers!
I propped it under a lamp to take the pic. Helps me to critique it that way.
The red you see peeking through is the color of the underpainting.
Tomorrow I will tidy it up.
Another reason I am painting is to use all the paint I have accumulated.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Maybe the ninth?

Much like the first one I did. Appears to have some of the same colors.
18X24. It is several layers of paint. Slowly but surely I am getting them done.