Sunday, November 18, 2018


According to the experts, the sun was to set at 5:06 pm today.
If I arrive at the river much earlier than sunset, I find I do too much sungazing and hurt my eyes. So I did not get there early, but I wish I had. When I reached the dock, I saw a hunched over, bald guy with heavily tattooed arms taking pictures with a serious camera, so of course I started a conversation. I think we both enjoyed talking about the beauty of the ever changing sky. He said that when the sun is setting, you can take a picture every 1.7 seconds, and they will be different. Then, though almost too late, another good photographer arrived. He was a thin Spanish speaking guy who showed us some underwater images he had taken. I really enjoyed all the photography talk.
Here are two pix. One from before the sun fully set and one after.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

at the pretty place

The museums and other fun places were open for free today, this first Sunday of the month. I chose to go to Airlie since I hadn't been in a while nor had I renewed my membership. It was sunny and windy, and I didn't get a good picture while there, but here is one anyway.

Friday, November 2, 2018

after sunset

This photo is from a WB boat ride on Monday evening. These were the actual pretty colors.