When I studied history in school, I remember it largely being about leaders, wars, empires, and dates, but I wondered about the people, the average people like me. What were their lives like while the wars, revolutions and changes were going on all around them. How did they survive? They must have, I presumed, because the world continued to be populated. So I found things to read that settled somewhere in my broad big picture thinking.
My generation has been living through many big changes. Over the years I remember hearing threats by Communist leaders who clearly stated they would destroy America from within, without a visible war. Now it is easy to see how they have done it. While we were comfortably resting in our little worlds, the enemy of America was at work through the public schools, the media, government, even churches, conditioning all of us and especially children to accept the tenets of communism without our being aware of their tactics. It eased its way into culture in the form of immorality, ripping away the underpinnings of society. It perverted truth that is from God. It assailed our minds causing unhealthy emotions and selfish desires. Evil has been patient and has worked us over. To me the culmination was in the takeover of the last presidential election. It was a revolution. Did that really happen in America? Yes.
Only God knows what will happen in any part of the world, but for many Americans it is life as usual. If this is indeed a revolution we are living through, many of us are indifferent, plodding along through our daily duties, keeping up with trends, living our lives, seeming to accept those things that are beyond control. I can’t predict how this time we are in will be evaluated by the writers of history, if we happen survive. One of these days people may wonder what the styles were, the language, the diet, the work during this era? How did we live during the vast changes around us?