Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The Peaceful Month

 I always hate to say goodbye.

There is something lovely and undemanding about the dark chilly days of January. 

December is the hard month. Filled with memories of what was and what could have should have. Culminating in a frenzy of emotions. 

How welcome January is and then over too soon.

Monday, January 22, 2024


 Recently I had fun taking an online personality test. Everyone should do it! 

My results were totally me, and validated why I described myself as annoying when hubby and I were planning to marry.  I thought I should tell him in case he hadn't noticed. Actually, nobody ever told me I was annoying, but I felt that I was. The way I caught on to things so quickly and skipped from one thing to another annoyed me! Also now I follow ADHD folks on Instagram. There are others out there like me, I was thrilled to learn.

Tomorrow a group of women will be coming over, so I need to and planned to clean and do preparation today. But here it is, after three pm, and I haven't even started. Instead I delved into another unnecessary creative venture. That's just how I roll. Remarkably I have always been ready when the time came for the event. 

Monday, January 15, 2024



I've survived a few weeks of an abnormal respiratory type bug and am back to my annoyingly enthusiastic state of being. Having met my fun quotient yesterday, I am choosing to stay in today. I am choosing being thrifty over ogling items in a store and risking a purchase of something unneeded. Pretty soon I be baking since that's my in home default setting. 

On my wall is a painting I just framed, one I did that I actually think has value. I have a love-hate relationship with all of art, and-but I cannot-do not leave it. 

Winter. January is a lovely peaceful month. But cold weather? It's not for me except for those few times that it feels adventurous and enhances my sense of wonder.