Thankfully I made it through the anthem today.
The choir has been practicing a song based on Jeremiah 29:11, and the first time we sang through it, I got so choked up I had to quit singing. It happened during the other practices, too.
The blend of the poetic words and expressive music did me in. On Thursday evening, I penciled in "don't cry" on every page. I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of the church.
It started well enough with this: "I know the plans I have for you, a road you cannot see. A winding way with highs and lows that leads at last to me."
But then God spoke to me with "May you find work that feeds your soul." That is exactly what nursing was for me, and it was not I who chose it. It was clearly God's gift.
Next: "May you have a family strong and whole." Wow.. I thought of my sons, fine grown men and their families. Strong and whole.
And this: "May you walk the way with friends." Friends are so important, whether they are the ones we have had forever or ones who come into our lives for a season. There are those who show up at crucial times and those we share daily ups and downs with. How could we make it without the friends who have blessed our lives.
It made me think about how wonderful my life has been.
"And though your heart has hopes and dreams and futures still unknown, my dream for you will always be far greater than your own."
Thankfully I didn't cry.
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