In the waiting room at the eye doctor today, I had an interesting conversation with a woman who is from Venezuela. I was curious, because I had heard that if our country is not wise with our elections and politics, we could become like Venezuela. So after some superficial conversation, I asked her, "What is it like there?" She shook her head and said, "Horrible."
For dates and names, you will need to read some other source. This is just some of what she said.
It all, the decline and loss of freedom, happened in the last eighteen years. First, citizens were deceived and elected a socialist president. The government began to takeover private businesses and were unable to run them. They took over oil and made massive mistakes. She felt oil is gone, too. Socialism became Communism. Now living there is very dangerous. She has lived in the US for twenty or so years, but her mother is still in Venezuela - in a bad situation. Food is very expensive, in short supply, and her mother doesn't have enough to eat. The woman sends her boxes with food and other necessities, but the government goes through them, and her mother does not receive all she sent. Nobody is safe, and Americans who travel there are likely to be kidnapped.
Internet/cell service, etc is the slowest in the world, she says, because the government does not want the rest of the world to know what is going on. They don't want life there to be filmed. The government is trying to isolate the country from the rest of the world. Government leaders control all the media and get all the money. I didn't understand when she was telling me about the recent election, but it was something like they had someone in England count the votes. Then the government said no. So voting is not working.
The woman teared up a couple of times when talking about the country she knew as a child and what it is like today. The sad part she said, is the young people, those who have never known life when the country was better and free.
I am mindful of this quote by Ronald Reagan:
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
Over the past week, there have been increasing revelations about the hideous crimes of our past president, the vile woman who desired to be president, and their henchmen. Though the facts couldn't be clearer, several so-called news sources, those who fully lie and propagandize, choose not to bring the info to their readers and listeners. It is horribly fascinating how the crimes and corruption go deeper and deeper.
But many decent Americans are still deceived and ignorant, unaware of how the Leftists have been destroying our country, how they have been changing the culture and language, reprogramming us to believe wrong is right, giving our tax money to groups and countries who want to tear us apart, allowing other countries to have our resources, even what they need to make bombs. They do not want a USA.
Before President Trump was elected, we were sliding down the same slippery slope, but now a process has started to halt it. We Americans all need to get past personality traits and hairstyle or whatever we find not to like about our incumbent president, and thank God he is willing to fight for us.
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