Sunday, May 5, 2024


 My pledge to myself to post a daily picture in May, comes with a story today. After church, I went to Lowe’s to look for paint. Usually I dread going in there. It seems overwhelmingly big and confusing. and I try to find someone in a red vest to ask where in such and such, so I can get in and get out. But today was different. Some happy shoppers were getting plants and garden stuff, but most interesting were the many dogs that were brought it. One was a gorgeous blonde golden retriever type. I would have taken her home! Also two French bulldogs, a black one being pushed in a cart, and a light one on a leash. Some mixed breeds and others, and this little fella, a teacup yorkie.  So tiny! I asked if I could take a picture. When I commented to the employee about the dogs, he said they are an animal friendly place. Once a toucan came in on a man’s shoulder, and another time someone brought in a kangaroo! 

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