Thursday, November 19, 2020

2020. The year of seeing clearly.

Following up on the last post, a winner in the presidential election has not been declared. I was just on my iPhone, listening to Rudy speak about the depth and width of the corruption in voting. 

Exposed. Exposed - but hidden by the old networks and news sources that some people cling to.

It is quite disturbing, but it's been going on for years.We should have known. We should have stood up sooner.  We have been going about our business, suspecting but mostly unaware. We just hoped for the best while the opposition was scheming to destroy us. Whether were were duped and deceived followers of the lies or inactive and lazy, we are all complicit in the plot to destroy Western Civilization. 

Getting accurate information is a challenge. Under the veil of deceit, some Americans still tune into the old tv networks, believing that the personalities who read the fearful lies are actually delivering accurate information. They aren't. Other ways to get the news are available. I found them on my own, so I think anyone can. 

I am old enough to remember Khrushchev and the threat of communism. It was and still is our enemy. The younger people aren't aware that this, or worse, could be the result if the false votes are allowed. The brainwashed children who grew up going to public schools and indoctrinated with false beliefs, and who worship sleazy celebrities are of voting age. 

This isn't what I intended to say here, but it does lead into the subject.

When I am at the gallery, I often walk down to the river. Like the Mississippi, it just keeps rolling along. Yesterday, all the pretty little yellow flowers were gone, covered by tall river grass. There were no tiny crabs scurrying into their holes. The season for them has ended, and another season has begun. So it is with the rest of life on planet earth. Year after year. We humans think we are so important, but the little crabs and the wildflowers are the survivors.

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