Wednesday, May 29, 2019

down by the river

After a nine month absence, I went to watch the sun set over the river. It's been so dry here. Everything is parched. And the sky was missing its pretty clouds. I didn't expect a breathtaking sunset, but at least there was one.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

In Memory

This morning I attended the yearly memorial service for local law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty.
The police department does it up right, with dignity and reverence, pomp and circumstance. My great-great grandfather who was shot and killed in 1865 is the first on the wall. Since I was his only descendant who showed up, I had the honor of placing a red rose on the wreath in his honor. A very nice policeman escorted me up to do it, then back to my seat, and then he saluted me. That was new!
The only pic I took was afterward during a social time. This is the riderless horse carrying the backward turned boot. I learned that the department has three well-cared for horses who are ridden by specially trained officers.