Thursday, May 27, 2021

of interest but not a fan

This was taken on Monday when I was at CB. My friend and I were walking to the beach and saw several clues indicating a movie was being filmed.  We asked one of the guys hanging around, and our suspicions were confirmed. Netflix was at work. I wonder which of the deadly sins will be most prominent in this movie. A gallery visitor from California on Saturday said Hollywood is, but using a less genteel word, a cesspool.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Also looks like Wilmington

These are considered Ghost Trees, bald cypress trees that did not do well when salt water was introduced into the dark freshwater in which they lived. 

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

step by step

I find it interesting to drive by this road construction place almost daily and observe. It looks as if one worker may be actually doing something while others are standing around idly, but that's probably not the case. Paving this small section of road is one shovelful of asphalt (I presume) after another, then rolling, and whatever else, until the space is covered and people are able to drive in the new additional lane. Like that saying I often repeat in my head when I have work to do, inch by inch, life's a cinch. One little thing after another adds up to a big accomplishment.


Saturday, May 15, 2021

the work I do now

 It has felt like a long week of nursing, but instead it was gallery owner duty for seven straight days. Now the place is pretty once again. This is a pic of the side of one of the movable walls that is the first things visitors see. The fish piece in the middle has been in the gallery since the beginning but never in a good space. I hope this will show it off better.  

Wednesday, May 12, 2021


 My POTD is of a ceramic/pottery bottle that I got in the gallery yesterday.  It has a crystal (I think) glaze and reflects like a mirror. You can see me taking a picture, as well as the windows, chairs, etc. It is one of seven lovely pieces I got from the potter.  Other new artwork is coming in too, and yesterday was a work day as we hung and rearranged. The place looks so pretty when it is refreshed.

Monday, May 10, 2021

They call it growth

Like everything else, Wilmington is always changing. About a mile away from my little neighborhood, the land is being prepared for a big grocery store and adjacent businesses that will open in 2022. It's interesting just to pass by and be aware of some of the things that need to be done before the actual building goes up. All the prep work! This is from my car window today. (Obviously no editing done.)

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Pelican grooming station

An interesting thing I learned since being on the river is that it has high and low tides like the beach. Today at the time this photo was taken, the water had receded more than I had ever seen. It revealed some islets that I had never seen along with this occasionally seen sand bar where pelicans were waiting for menhaden, which I heard is their favorite meal. Also interesting is how blue the sun makes the river at midday and how far my camera can zoom.

Friday, May 7, 2021

Carnivorous Plant Garden

 Since I have been working inside today, I will post a pic of a few days ago when I went to the boggy, natural place where the venus fly traps and pitcher plants live. 

Thursday, May 6, 2021

painting a river scene

Because of the gallery, on Tuesday I had to participate in a thing (too complicated to explain) that involved painting some scene along the river. I chose this location and made an attempt. "They" wanted to keep it and frame it, haha. I was not pleased enough with it to even sign it. So no. But it got me thinking that I could and should and would paint one for them. This morning I sketched it out on the back of a legal pad and realized it was a near perfect composition. So yes. Now I think I will make a serious go at it. I probably need to. 

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

A Cake

Occasionally I want to bake something, even if it is just for me. This morning I made a cake from an old Southern Living Cakes book. It turned out as I hoped, not delicious but decent, not making me want to overeat. Some of it is going in the freezer, sliced and wrapped in individual pieces to have with coffee. Here is the almost exact recipe, altered a tad for 2021.

Brownstone Cake
2 sticks butter, 1 1/2 C sugar, 1 oz bitter chocolate melted in 2 T water, 3 eggs, 3 C flour, 1 t soda, 1 C buttermilk, vanilla.

Mixed in the traditional way. Bake at 325. Glaze or ice if desired. 

Monday, May 3, 2021

Anole - Wilmington Lizard

Day 3 in May.

Anole carolinensis.  A closer look at the skin, eyes, and feet. Beautiful little creatures.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Goose Families

 At beautiful Airlie today. I admire these bold and dutiful birds.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

A Man and His Dog

A Day in May. 
Series 2021. 

Once again - planning to post a photo a day during the month of May.  This is from the only place I went today. Work.