Sunday, December 22, 2019

Crazy Cookie Lady

I've been baking a lot of cookies this Christmas season, mostly because I bought too many bags of various chocolate chips and other fillings. The recipe I have been using is a simple one that produces only two dozen fairly large cookies, so I can play around with the additions.
With a Silpat liner in my cookie sheet and an equally good mat to place the cookies on when they come out of the oven, I have streamlined the work. My small kitchen is also a plus since I am forced to clean up as I go along. As I listen to music and mix and bake, I have had fun. Fun is good.
Of course no good thing is without its down side, and for me it has been eating so many cookies! Maybe I can resist after Christmas.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019


Sometimes I get so wrapped up in things that I forget there is a beautiful beach nearby. This week had some pretty days, so I drove down and was fortunate to find a parking place at the South End.
Remember Dick Cavett? He said going to the beach was like sending your mind to the laundry. That stuck with me, so I am aware of feeling mentally clean and refreshed even after a short time being close to the awesome sea.
This picture does not reflect the beautiful blues of sea and sky that day. I just wanted to "artify" a photo.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Christmas Pins

This year I vowed to wear some of my Christmas jewelry, especially pins. For an event on Friday I chose this one, handmade and given to me by a favorite co-worker about twelve years ago. It is one of my new ones. They are a little like ornaments for the tree, each with a special memory. A few I have bought just because I liked them, and I find I still do. Pins were important piece of jewelry in my mother's and grandmother's generations and into my younger adult years. They really are quite pretty.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

words that make sense

Here are some quotes/verses I have liked recently

You just can't fall when you get into the rhythm of the dance.

Jack Kerouac

The fear may not go away. Sometimes you have to do it scared.

Hallmark Movie

Whoever blesses his neighbor with a loud voice, rising early in the morning, will be counted as cursing.

Proverbs 27:14

Sometimes you're the peacock. Sometimes you're the feather duster.

Up from the ashes grow the roses of success.

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

The essence of freedom is the proper limitation of government.

Never say no to adventures. Always say yes. Otherwise you will lead a very dull life.

Ian Fleming

Death is not the end of life. It is only the gateway to eternity.

Billy Graham

Sunday, November 17, 2019

what I've been making

Little blue things.
First I painted and made refrigerator magnets with the 2" square pieces of wood Trip gave me. Sea and sky.
Today, because I need to bring some handmade ornaments for the "work" Christmas tree,  I dipped glass ornaments in paint and swirled. Now that I have the hang of it, I am going to do some more.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Over a month ago . .

was my last post.
I have been keeping busy, but also waiting for the green light on the gallery, which has not come. I have gotten too mellow, I am afraid.
On this usual Saturday, I was at the studios for a few hours. After some unsuccessful piddling, I decided to go out and see what I could take pictures of.
And one of the inside.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

this morning's smoothie

This was especially good, and the color was richer and prettier than the photo. The small amount of liquid was creme soda since I had some on hand. Then plain yogurt, a banana, frozen peaches, some strawberries and papaya left from last night, a drizzle of honey, and a splash of cinnamon. Delish...

Thursday, September 26, 2019


The sun was shining through the petals of the sunflowers in this arrangement. I had to take a pic. Along with it, a poem.

Eagle of flowers! I see thee stand,
And on the sun's noon-glory gaze;
With eye like his, thy lids expand,
And fringe their disk with golden rays;
Though fixed on earth, in darkness rooted there,
Light is thy element, thy dwelling air,
Thy prospect heaven.
James Montgomery

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Gallery

In a couple of months, I will be opening an art gallery. It came about in such a way that all I can say is that it is a God thing.
The space is in the first level of a new mixed use building. Business below, apartments above, and as yet it is unfinished. I am hoping for an opening around the first of November. 
I am loving letting other people be involved. Clearly I need help, but also, I don't want to deprive anyone who is really interested of the joy of seeing how it is coming together. Each day brings another step, another blessing. 

Sunday, September 8, 2019

A Poem

. . . by Ruth Graham that was on the back of Decision magazine.

Then and Now

The house was full of living then
and there was no need to view
the quiet contours of the hills,
heaven's vast expanse of blue.

This old house is empty now
with mostly only me.
The trees are crowding up the hill
as if for company.

I would not have them back for good
my birds have learned to fly,
but I find lovely comfort when
a wild bird nests close by.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

The Picturesque Fort Fisher Tree

This small tree is a favorite of photographers and artists. Here it is, at home in its surroundings, on this clear and sunny day.

post storm benefits

Storms serve a useful purpose in the overall scheme of things. Since Dorian breezed through, the atmosphere has been brighter, the air fresher, the sky bluer, and the land cleaner. What a fabulous fall cleaning the Lord brought!
The hubs and I went down to the end of land at Ft. Fisher this afternoon, stopping for an occasional photo opportunity.
These ibises had found a watery spot to catch crabs and do some personal hygiene. There were about twice this many, but you get the picture.
The Kure Beach pier was unfazed, but it seems as if people aren't allowed on it right now. The towns around here prepared for the worst. The pier and the water were such pretty blues and greens.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Hurricane Dorian

She has traveled through Charleston and is headed to the hurricane capital of America, Wilmington, NC.
Funny atmospheric things start happening when a big storm is brewing hundreds of miles away. The skies change, either with awesome clouds, or they become almost white, as in this case. There is a different feel in the air. Winds whip around.
I was awakened by a brash alarm from my phone at 0600 this morning while I was soundly sleeping to the sweet sounds of rain and wind. Hurricane warning!! Find shelter! It was legit. At least six tornadoes actually did hit near here.
Throughout the day so far, winds have blown, more forcefully than not. Rain is intermittent. I think it would be fine to go out, but I am hunkered down with my emergency activities.
It would be wonderful if Dorian would just settle down and drop to no more than a tropical storm before coming up here.

Monday, September 2, 2019

big dog

My outing today included a stop by the lake to be in nature and to take some pictures. None of the usual birds were there, and I didn't look for the alligators. What would I photograph . . .
A woman pushing a child in a stroller walked by, and this big, friendly dog walked respectfully beside them. When the little one got out to play, I asked if I could take a pic of the dog. She said yes and good luck as he was on the move!

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

History Lesson

I have started reading a hefty biography about James Madison, and it has sparked my interest. It has been a long time since Civics and US History classes!

Some interesting facts are: He was George Washington's closest adviser. His life's work was all about getting this new nation off to a good start with a foundation, the Constitution, that would establish a republic with checks and balances. It called for new ideas, specifically limiting the central government and allowing for strength and fairness for the states and the people. It was his big idea, but Jefferson and Hamilton were his primary co-workers. His wife Dolley set up the first inaugural ball.

The quotes of his that I chose are:
1. "Democracy is the most vile form of government." 
2. “What is government itself but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.

Friday, August 23, 2019

75 Now

It is like when I turned the long awaited age of sixteen. I wondered if I would I ever reach it, but I did, and in spite of myself I kept going. Through good and hard times, adventures and misadventures, I have safely landed at 75. Throughout my middle adulthood as I considered the increasing numbers, I saw what the years were doing to me, and it wasn't pretty. What would happen to me?! I thought when I reached the milestone age of seventy-five I would truly and officially be old.
Now I am of a different mindset. Who knew that seventy-five was so young! There is plenty of life ahead. I think of all I have learned since I was a youth of  fifty-five and eligible for free senior banking. This is a good time of life, and I enjoy and cherish my days, whether I am sipping a hot cup of coffee in the morning, doing repetitive household duties, making art, talking with my family or friends, or being awed by the sky. I am thankful.
The joy of the Lord is my strength.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

paintings today

I can't help it. This is how I paint. What was interesting is how (to me) different the painting looked as black and white. I can't change it like I would a photograph, but I like the B/W better.

Friday, August 9, 2019


There is a new silversmith in the studios. I held this box of her beautiful earrings on my lap today and took the pic. They don't look very silvery in this picture, but they are.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Saturday, August 3, 2019

and just like that . . .

She is gone.
It was a joy to have Caroline in the house for the past couple of months while she went through her first semester at the community college, her first step toward leaving the nest on her way to adulthood. Yesterday she moved out and began the second and more independent step, sharing an apartment with two other girls. It is not quite like dorm living but close. She has better sense than I had at that age, is even tempered, and makes and carries out plans. She is going to be fine.

Monday, July 29, 2019

another colorful sunset

It prompted me to read about the sun and learn that it is more than a big ball of gas.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

in today's church bulletin

In other words, God's way of growing the sweet gift of assurance in us is by putting us through numerous and varied hardships. The process is designed to be hard. Trials are the way that faith is proven, refined, and strengthened. This is why James writes, "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness."
-- from Desiring God

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Fig Upside Down Cake

My friend Alice has fig trees that have been abundantly filled this year. I am glad she shares. With the ones I got today, I made this new-to-me cake, using the first recipe I found online.
I baked it in a traditional cast iron pan, and it is delicious. It will be good with coffee in future mornings.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

7 23 19

There are so many more ways to get our stories out there than when I began blogging back in 2003. I think images have become the standard bearer of sharing, easier to post than finding the right words, and letting the viewer decide how the story should be told. With smartphones, everyone is a photographer. I don't take pictures like I used to because I feel inundated with images! Plus, I took many just so I could study the small world closer up and linger over interesting scenes, happy times, and people I love.

Is thinking a lost skill? I sort through the propaganda and opinions of both the lost and the wise, and after enough consideration, I arrive at a conclusion based on what I have learned and my worldview. I would like for all of us to have enough general knowledge and patience to understand this complicated world a little better and not be part of a mob mentality.

Acceptance. One of my frustrations when I was much younger was that there was nobody out there exactly like me! I wanted a clone, and I eventually realized there was not one. Then it took me forever to get some sort of sense of who I was. I am still not sure, but I am amazed at the variety within the race of man. From conception, we are unique designs. Of the gazillions of ways of being, each one of us can live a life of being only us.

The journey. Growing, learning, leaving, coming together, helping, hurting, laughing. So many people come in and out of our lives, and we can keep none of them forever. Some come for a minute and leave a lasting imprint. It is hard to gauge. Life. Gotta love it.

I procrastinate when it comes to making art. It is my guilty thing. I have identified many actual reasons why I am this way, and one is that I prefer finishing to starting, editing to assembling, fine tuning to laying it all out. However, I appreciate people who are passionate about making art. It is a good pursuit.

Processing. I believe one key to good mental health is at the end of each day to process whatever is in your head, whatever you have experienced, whether you do it by writing, talking, of just thinking through it all. We function better when we don't let things pile up in the mind like it is a messy, cluttered desk. Or pocketbook.

Monday, June 17, 2019

First World Problem

Hot water!
I have been without for at least two weeks. The Bosch tankless water heater that came with my house had a slow death. Being the eternal optimist, I hoped it would revive and heat again, but it was not to be. After evaluations from a couple of ineffective plumbers, some nice guys from the gas company came today to put in a new, old fashioned tank water heater that was much cheaper. Now when I turn on the hot water, hot water comes out, not the barely warmed-by-the-sun water we find in the cold tap. I thought about the people around the world for whom this would be a luxury, and I felt guilty that I "need" it so much. I suppose life would go on if I had to take cold showers for the rest of my life, or wash dishes by bringing water to a boil, but I am a spoiled and thankful American.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

canoodling egrets

I was in Hilton Head for the weekend with a friend who likes to take pictures almost as much as I do.
We were told there were a lot of ibises nesting in trees near the stables, so we went there later in the day to get some shots. There were no ibises, but there were plenty of egrets that I have over photographed already. But one sight, glimpsed via the zoom, was really amusing. Among all the egrets flying in and out, squawking and fussing over territory or whatever, was one couple that was in love. They couldn't keep their beaks off each other. They were oblivious to the rest of the family and remained on their live oak limb making out the whole time we were there. If I had a fancier camera, I could have taken some better pictures, but maybe you'll get the idea with these fuzzy ones. So cute.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

down by the river

After a nine month absence, I went to watch the sun set over the river. It's been so dry here. Everything is parched. And the sky was missing its pretty clouds. I didn't expect a breathtaking sunset, but at least there was one.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

In Memory

This morning I attended the yearly memorial service for local law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty.
The police department does it up right, with dignity and reverence, pomp and circumstance. My great-great grandfather who was shot and killed in 1865 is the first on the wall. Since I was his only descendant who showed up, I had the honor of placing a red rose on the wreath in his honor. A very nice policeman escorted me up to do it, then back to my seat, and then he saluted me. That was new!
The only pic I took was afterward during a social time. This is the riderless horse carrying the backward turned boot. I learned that the department has three well-cared for horses who are ridden by specially trained officers.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Potato flower

There is a lot of pretty nature around here, but I have missed actually planting things in my own yard and watching them grow. But now I have one thing - a bag of potatoes! What pretty flowers they have. Maybe I will even get a few potatoes out of it.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Leftover art

After the show was over, I was responsible for taking care of the judge’s art until he could get it. Right now this piece is on my mantel. Lucky me.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Made it!

The 2019 Azalea Festival is over and also the art show that I worked on for so long. Whew. I can take it easier for a few days.
Except for one cold day with heavy rain, the weather was lovely. Azaleas were in bloom and the skies were Carolina blue. Visitors came from out of town and state and shopped in our nine-day gallery. There are not enough good things to say about “my team.” Without any one, I do not see the outcome being as successful as it was. I was filled with love and gratitude for them. When we pool talents and abilities into one concerted effort, good things happen.
I suppose my main role was planning, communicating, and being positive and calm.
I wish I had taken pictures like I used to do.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Nice weather for February

It was warm and sunny today, so I went to Greenfield Lake for a few minutes. Enjoyed nature and snapped pictures.