Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Thanksgiving is a special day

 * As to the previous post, the lizards have not come back since I put coffee grounds in the mailbox. Can't say that I miss them.

Thanksgiving is two days away, and I will be joining the family at Peter and Sally's house in the country. We will be missing the hubby who Jacob once called "the best eater," but we have a new family member, Jacob's wife. Life is always changing. There are some new goats and chickens, too. 

We may have a group of about twenty, and as usual, I will be bringing homemade rolls. I have never followed a recipe, but they have always turned out pretty good. It's been a year since I made them, and I practically forgot how! But it all came back, even though these are a little messier than usual. I am probably producing about fifty, and unlike previous years when I arose early to bake so they would be nice and fresh, these are going in the freezer until I leave on Thursday morning. I am bringing a couple of side dishes as well, and everyone is bringing something. It will be a feast. 

Like celebrating the concept of love on Valentine's Day, it is good to have a day to celebrate the concept of gratitude, thankfulness, as we are doing this week. The Bible is full of admonitions to be thankful. When we give thanks, whether publicly, privately, or just feel it in our hearts, we are being obedient to the One who made us and knows us best. It is also necessary for good physical and mental health. 

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Life in the mailbox

Every time I open the mailbox, I am greeted buy a cheery little lizard (anole) and his tiny frog friend who is usually clinging to the inside of the door. Back and forth, he goes. An unfortunate event from couple of years ago made me think I should tape a note to the door to warn the mailman of the little occupants and to open with care. Sadly back then, a lizard was smashed in the door. It was tragic to see his dangling, lifeless body, and I do not have my man around now for such emergencies. In order to keep the ads from piling up, I needed to get the contents, i.e. ads, out of my mailbox, so I tapped on the metal door and carefully pulled it down. There was the tiny frog in his usual place, but not just one but three lizards were scurrying around! Party time! 

Little anoles have always been in Wilmington, and I like them. When they are in the mailbox they are a dull brown, not the bright green like they are outside in nature. But never in my life have I seen little green tree frogs until this year. Yesterday one was in my toilet, not swimming but in the rim. I saw him hop out and into the shower, and after that, he was off to places unknown. Like the anole, the tiny mailbox frog camouflages into a dull brown when he is at rest in the mailbox. Sometimes I see their shapes on the windows outside at night.

However, now I need to find a way to make the mailbox uninhabitable for them. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Still in The Word

Now I am in Isaiah. I have really loved reading the Bible through sort of rapidly. One person told me she would have a hard time doing it because she didn't understand it. Does anyone deeply understand except for the most divinely inspired and learned Biblical scholar? 

If I were going to tackle this lengthy read, I would make it interesting and enjoyable, I decided. So I am reading from different versions using the printed word, my iPad, and occasionally using an audio app. It also helps that I have read at least something in the Bible most days out of the past seventy years, so many parts are not only familiar but recitable and loved.  "Like apples of gold in a setting of silver," (from Proverbs.) But maybe the biggest key for making it work for me is all the  church/worship/gospel music I have sung. Most Christian music is from the Bible, some word for word. For many years I sang in Handel's Messiah, and Isaiah 40 that I just read is the foundation for several of its choruses and solos. 

When I finish the remaining twenty-six chapters of Isaiah, I will start the wordiest book of the Bible, Jeremiah. After that, I will feel like I am home free. I enjoy getting the big picture as I fly over.