Wednesday, May 31, 2017

last photo in May

This is where I went to school in first grade and half of second grade. The steps seemed so wide and steep back then.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

a tender moment

The art show went well - all things considered - but it was a lot of work. I greatly appreciate all the ones who pitched in and helped with set up, hanging, sales, etc. At show close yesterday, one wonderful man took down and stacked all the panels and pedestals, maybe a hundred of them. He carefully put all the hardware parts in the correct bags to be ready the next time they are used. What a "prince of a fellow."
All the artists were supposed to have checked out their unsold pieces by 4 pm, but as usual there were a couple who didn't get the memo - as they say. The ones not picked up are now in my studio. A seventyish year old woman who came in today to pick up hers was one I had a conversation with during the show. She told me the history of her nicely rendered pencil drawing. It was from an old photograph, one of her mother pushing her as a baby in one of those big carriages of yesteryear. When she came in today, her white haired, sturdy looking ninety-four year old mother was with her but stayed outside, sitting on the chair near my door. After exchanging the obligatory small talk, the artist, heavy, old and bent herself, put her pieces under her arm and stepped out to tell her mother she was ready to go. With her free arm, she helped her mother up, and arm in arm they walked away.
One of the many illustrations of love.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Friday, May 26, 2017

Looking at me looking at him

Day 5 of 8 in the books. I have felt more like a working nurse this week than in a long time, like the ER triage nurse on a busy day. It has been such fun. Rather than more artwork words or pictures, I stepped outside to see what my camera would quickly find. So a squirrel it is, shot before it scampered up the old tree. Check out those fingers!

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

I am not as old as I thought I was

That is what I learned today.
The mental and physical work was almost invigorating, but I am looking forward to getting to bed soon. All the art is up and arranged. One thing at a time . . .
Sorry my POTD (photo of the day) is so lousy.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Working toward a goal

Yesterday and today have made me feel like the charge nurse on some really busy shifts with the work week ljust beginning.
An art show involving a hundred artists and over four hundred pieces of art takes a long time and a lot of workers to get together before it even opens to the public. I enjoy it. I enjoy challenging myself to figure out the logistics. I enjoy the physical work that I do not make myself do without a reason. I enjoy that good tired feeling when I know I have accomplished something.
It is also a pleasure also to watch other people work together as each one contributes his or her specific knowledge and skills. I enjoy watching a plan come together.
And I think I will enjoy being with the visitors when they browse through all the hanging pieces and maybe find one they love enough to buy.
This photo is from this afternoon, a smidgen of some art pieces.
What we had to do was have all the art out, not hanging, for the judge to peruse for his selection of winners. Tomorrow the hanging team will come together and artfully decide what looks good with what, and hang them on the panels. (Those are the gray walls they are propped on.) Then the ID tags (title, price, et al) will be Velcroed on the panel beside the art. After a reception on Thursday, let the show begin!

Sunday, May 21, 2017


I decided to go ahead and post the alligator from yesterday. It was pretty far out, but my camera was able to zoom and take an ok pic.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Portrait of the Day

By late afternoon, I realized I had not taken my photo of the day, so I set out to get it. Greenfield Lake  always has something for me, and I took some pics of girls on the playground swinging high like I used to do. I got squirrels, geese and sunlit trees, but I thought the alligator shots would be the best. Then after I left, I saw a cute young man strumming a guitar near the studios, and I slowed to a stop to ask if I could take a "drive by photograph" of him. Afterward we chatted a bit, and I learned that he and his girlfriend are European and are traveling around the US and into Canada. He is also an artist and gave me samples of his work. A serendipitous experience.

Friday, May 19, 2017

a box of ribbons

During the coming week, I will be involved with yet another art show, this one a collaboration with the Y. It keeps me busy, and I don't mind. In my car is a box of many award ribbons. These are not the fanciest, but they will make the winners happy.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

sand, a jetty stump, and sunglasses

There's no photo from today but one from yesterday that I am not sure if I like or not.
When we arrived at this part of the beach, I saw someone had placed his glasses on the jetty. Looked like a picture that needed to be taken.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

CB pix

We went to the pretty north end and then watched a fishing boat come in.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

rollin' on the river

Wyatt and I were at the river and saw a long strange ship headed toward the port. Later I looked up the words on the side and found that it is a tanker that carries asphalt/bitumen. It flies the flags of the USA and Hong Kong.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Monday Fun Day

I have enjoyed Wyatt so much. One of our fun activities today was a trip to the beach for surf fishing.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Three Generations

Rob sent me this a few months ago. I think he captured an image from an old home movie my daddy made maybe in 1958, in the happiest of decades. I think I was fourteen, and it could have been Easter.  I remember the feel of the dress I was wearing. My mother, my grandmother and me. Now I am older than my Mama was then. The trees in the background laden with Spanish moss show we were in Wilmington. The everflowing river of time.

Saturday, May 13, 2017


My studio neighbor who makes such interesting abstract pieces.
He also knows about salamanders and squirrel frogs.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

On the Avenue

This is no longer a fire station but a nice boutique (sort of).

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Cleaning day

My house cleaners don't have a designated day.
Since they haven't been in over a month, I called Veronica today to ask if she could come Friday or one day next week. She said, "How about today at three?"
Why not?
When she showed up at 2:30, she had not just one but two helpers! They knocked out my small house in record time, and now it is shiny and clean.
I think spending that money is the best thing I do for myself.
They let me take one quick picture of them for my day in May.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

from my day in May

Wilmington has been hopping this week!
The biggest and most exciting thing has been the PGA tournament.
Then there is the TV series convention, one that was filmed here as well as several graduations.
Some of this chilly morning I spent on an art thing - naturally. The artists who painted outside this week brought their paintings to a small park where they were judged and offered for sale. Here is part of the gathering as they were listening to the judge. I think it would be fun to paint outside. Maybe someday.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Tonight's art reception

Going to art receptions seems to be my new hobby, and I must say that I enjoy them.
Tonight's was held at this cute gallery downtown.
(The only camera I had was the one in my old iPhone.)

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

good use of an old space

Probably not of interest to anyone but me, but the office I am helping in this week is in this building that was once a hospital that served the community for about thirty-five years during the early part of the last century. It isn't real old, but I am glad this architectural piece of history was not destroyed.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017


at the Post Office (from yesterday) and on the USSNC (today).

Monday, May 1, 2017

Signs from the day

Seen in a bookstore downtown.
I especially relate to the first one.

May Day

On this warm and windy day that is May one, I am downtown at the Arts Council doing the simplest of volunteer jobs. Quite a few artists have come in to register for an event, one of whom is also a writer. Writing and painting are both creative, but I have no idea how to switch back and forth between the two. Or three if you add music to the mix. For me, my mind is either looking at the colors, shapes, compositions, contrasts, lines that pertain to seeing or overly aware of the play of words and verbal/written expression. And I am always amazed at all the things that people do, not because they are doing them, but because their brains can organize everything. I have learned that it is ok to be me and not to compare myself to higher achievers, but I am in awe. Maybe they don't linger as long over their morning coffee or play soider solitaire.