Monday, November 27, 2017

two for the show

Here are two 12" x 12" paintings that I can use.
I wondered what kind of art this is called, if anything, and I found "lyrical abstract."
I like the name, so that is what may say if anyone asks.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Ruby is a good photographer

On Thanksgiving, she took some pictures of her cousins with my phone.
I wanted to post some and give her credit for her "good eye."

Saturday, November 25, 2017


Finally. I got to go to the Flotilla, a yearly WB event.
We arrived before sunset. When it was good and dark, and the half moon was high in the sky, the boats of all sizes passed the people along the water's edge of the parade route. They partied and cheered. It was fun.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Thanksgiving Service

The downtown churches held a combined Thanksgiving service Monday evening at beautiful St. James Episcopal. Choir members from the churches also combined, including me. We practiced for a short time, and then took the steep steps up to the choir/organ loft in the back. It was a wonderful time. From "on high," I took a couple of pix with my phone before the people came in.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Early Christmas giving

My thoughtful #1 son putting Christmas lights on my house. I never had them, and he knew I wanted them. They are beautiful!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The Fourth

My easel has been on the screened in porch for the past week, and that is where I have been painting. It is chilly out there! This painting will be finished soon, unless I decided it already is. It is a 20x24 like the purplish one. The canvas already had a painting that I disliked more each time I looked at it, so I covered it up with what you see. There were parts of it I wanted to save, and it was hard, but I had to focus on the overall composition.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Those who dream

While I have a lull, I am trying to knock out these paintings. I know the ability is in there somewhere! Yesterday I worked at finishing one I started the day before. It wasn't bad. I took some pics and said...not bad. Today I painted over it. Not once but twice. It had some nice places and met the rules and formulas of art, but it brought me no satisfaction. This is where I am with the canvas this evening. I may tweak it a bit, but I am considering it my third one. A little on the Twombly side.  Nine to go.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Fun one

A while back I started a painting on this canvas but never got to it to a stage that worked for me. Yesterday I dragged it out, propped it up, and occasionally spread leftover paint on it. At some point, I thought...hey! I like that! So many modern masters have paintings that are no better. I don't have a title yet. Artists love to title their work, and titles are how they are identified forever.
 . . . I think it will be "Baby, it's you!"

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

First of twelve

Showing something I have painted is embarrassing and even more so when I know other people probably think it is strange. But I am going ahead with it and admitting that this sort of thing is what I really enjoy doing. I had rather "walk through hell barefoot" than paint something recognizable or realistic. If I can just spread layer upon layer and see what comes of it, them I am a happy painter.
I titled this, "It is written," because I scribbled a lot of what looks like writing into the top layers of paint. Actually I turned it upside down from the way I was working on it. 

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

the heat is on

It seems like years ago, but it was just February when I had a visitor to my studio one Fourth Friday who asked if I would be in an art show. When I asked her what I would enter, she said she liked my abstracts and my black and white photos. I was flattered and said, "Of course!" Surely I would come up with some art by then, I thought. But now, ten months later, I have nothing! Is it possible to do at least twelve paintings within a few weeks?! I really don't want to hang photographs, no matter how much I like them.
Several ideas have been floating around my head, garnered primarily from youtube. Maybe I could do something like them if I forced myself. But what I learned tonight when I seriously attempted painting, is that I do have a style of that comes out no matter what else I try to do. When artists teach, they all teach from their own style. Maybe my style isn't that awesome, but I have no choice really. I've gotta be me.

Friday, November 3, 2017

pix from yesterday and today

With my new phone.
A cute new French place near me that has coffee and pastries. The chocolate glace was like a mirror.
And the pretty sky yesterday.