Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Learning curve

In recent months, I have done many things for the first time, and I have not done them smoothly or perfectly. I just plunged right in, and I know that the next time will be easier, and the third will be a piece of cake. Parking for instance. At first glance, it is hard to know the best place to park for any outing. Today I dropped a few things off at the Salvation Army. I didn't know I had driven in the wrong way until I saw the vertical parking stripes going the opposite way from my driving. Then I did not know who to give my stuff to. Prior to that, I turned onto North College thinking that it would take me to the next stop, but no. I should have gone a tad further and found South College. One thing I did right however, was get a couple of beautiful poinsettias at a local place that grows their own from cuttings and does not import them from Mexico or wherever. "We have thousands," the cordial, aproned employee told me. Indeed they do. And in several different colors. I bought a pretty, lighter red one for myself. About a month ago, I was there and saw them being carefully tended to and almost ready to change color. Today I found the plant place without problem, and I came early enough in the season to see a big display of beautiful Christmas flowers and get my pick. I learned easily on this one!

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