Friday, July 28, 2017

technical challenge

For the past couple of weeks, I have been learning how to use Constant Contact, a program that lets me send out newsletters to the three hundred plus members of the art association. The simple, free program we had been using stopped functioning correctly for some reason, so we had to make a change. After all, communication is everything. Learning CC has challenged me, but I am getting the hang of it. Today I sent out my fourth newsletter and had only one call to the helpline! Admittedly I like to do this sort of thing, but I also want it to look pretty. I want all the words to be spelled right and the sentences to be punctuated correctly. I want spacing to be the same throughout and the divider lines to be the same width. I want to clearly understand everything there is to know about how to do it! Then I want to teach someone else, if there is someone who needs to know as I do. Pretty soon someone will ask me about Constant Contact, and I will say, "It is really easy!" Then I will know I got it.

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