Thursday, May 21, 2020

expressing myself

We have surpassed the point of ridiculousness in the US.

I am pretty careful about forming opinions. I am a researcher and studier by nature, and though I hate to say what a dork I am, I spend many hours a day in pursuit of understanding. I like to connect the dots, study cause and effect, put two and two together. I look at spirit, soul, and body, sociological and cultural influences, health and medicine, science, history, and just about anything within my grasp - or beyond! Not saying I know so much. I am just interested in many things, especially the human experience. And like any human, all my understanding and knowledge is extremely limited.  "The wisdom of this world is foolishness to God." (1 Cor 3:19)

That being said, it is still hard for me to understand how so many people can fall under the spell of deception. My eyes were really opened when Obama walked on the political stage in 2004. He had an evil vibe, and I knew something was very wrong. Then he continued the spell, convincing enough American citizens that wrong was right. Eventually he was exposed for what he was, a Manchurian president - and more. Now he and his handlers/cronies have been exposed as criminals. But how many Americans know? Or are interested in knowing? Or prefer to wallow in deception?  Everyone should know the truth, but the complicit propaganda that many rely on for "news" tightly controls information. There are plenty of other places to learn about current events.

Over the past three years the leftists have dragged the American citizens through an array of distorted, blatantly noxious causes promoted by leftist nut jobs. (I know a nut job when I see one.) These pathetic, ignorant politicians want to make decisions over our lives.  What do they base their leanings on? Perish the thought.

The latest is, we have been tricked into fear and submission by the possibilities of a virus. We have now collected enough data to know the story and see it for what it is, but the sicko leftists with power are trying to use it to control the masses and bring further damage to our country. They are hell bent on its destruction. (It is so ridiculous to see someone wearing a mask outside.)

So many things are at play. Oh for the veil of deceit to be lifted and for the eyes of the blind to be opened! And for people to think and put two and two together. And for common sense to prosper.

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