Sunday, July 10, 2016

Hot hot hot

Along with other parts of the state, Wilmington has been experiencing some steaming hot weather this year. It reminds me of my childhood days here before air conditioning, when there was no place to escape the heat but outside. The women would get their household duties done early and then take their cardboard fans and their glasses of cool beverages out to the big metal chairs under the trees and sit and talk. We children never had problems entertaining ourselves. I remember making lots of beanbags that we actually played with! When the sun went down and bedtime neared, it was still so hot it took me a long time to fall asleep. Several years later, after we moved to Charlotte, the new invention of window air conditioners became available for homes. How nice they were! Most stores started installing air conditioning, because they would lose customers if they didn't. Eventually of course, homes would be expected to have air conditioning just as much as a heating system. Being without AC in the early part of my life sure makes me appreciate it today. 

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