Thursday, November 3, 2016

a bad choice

About five weeks ago, I returned from Amsterdam. The plane hit the runway in Atlanta, and we were back on American soil. Home sweet home. But I was very disappointed at the inhumane way we were treated as we were rudely ordered and pushed  through all the required checks. Then I got to my gate for Wilmington and was even more horrified at the pure propaganda blasting from CNN on the many televisions anchored overhead. As I waited, I thought this must be how it is in Communist countries. But this is America.

Only a few days before the presidential election, and Hillary Clinton has the gall to continue her lies to the American public. Follow the money. If she wins, it will be the biggest swindle the world has known. Apparently a large portion of Americans don't know or don't care. There is a world of information out there about her and her husband who some people call Bonnie and Clyde, but we have to look past the television to learn who they really are. Deny, deny, deny is their theme. Some say they are grifters, people who build trust then steal and move on. This is their pattern. It is no wonder they never divorced because more important, they are partners in crime, and that trumps marriage. And the number of their friends/acquaintances who have died under very suspicious circumstances is staggering. Each death has a story.

This year alone, there have been several best sellers by truthful people who put their lives on the line to tell of Hillary's horrors, as well as thousands of excellent articles. But if they are not sought, if all info comes from the old bootlicking tv networks, if voters are satisfied with the lies and fantasies perpetrated on them by sycophants, or never think for themselves, America will continue the spiral downward. This one came out yesterday.  Her extremely extensive evildoing runs deep, deep, deep.

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