Saturday, September 2, 2017

the gym

Three weeks ago, I joined Gold's Gym. I was passably OK, but I thought I would get more out of life if I worked out some like I used to.
Almost twenty years ago when Ned was working for the Y in Greenville, he said he thought I would like the machines in the gym. So I joined, and he was right. The resistance exercises were the best and most needed, and they made me feel good all over! Since being in Wilmington, I have enjoyed the retired, good life a little too much. It was great for a while, but enough is enough. After mulling over the whole situation, I decided to go to the Gold's Gym that is in my area. I had never even been in one before, but it is like I imagined with lots of muscular people. Oh yeah . . . and a few like me.
So far I haven't even gotten up to the weights I was using back in Greenville, and the Cross Trainer keeps saying I have paused. Whatever . . . I am glad I am doing it.

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